Questions to Ask Before Choosing an SEO Company

by | Jul 13, 2020 | Internet Marketing


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When it comes time to hire the best SEO company, your first task is to determine exactly which company that is. An excellent SEO business can help you make much more money than you are today, but if you choose incorrectly, you could actually lose visitors instead. That’s why asking the most important questions is crucial when deciding which company fits well with your needs.

What is Your Plan to Improve Our Search Engine Rankings?

The honest reality is that you aren’t going to get results unless there’s a solid strategy working for you. Choosing to randomly build links and target keywords can offer small results in some cases, but it’s not enough to grow to the level that your business deserves. Asking this question gives you an idea of what kind of plan the expert has and how it will work to give you results. Having a stable process is a good sign and can speak to the person being experienced.

Will You Inform Me of Changes Made to the Website?

You should expect the best SEO company to provide you with regular reports. This might be monthly or it might be weekly. You need to know what is happening with the project, even if it’s not something that you touch yourself. If your expert doesn’t suggest making changes to the website, that’s a bad sign. Having great SEO on your site is extremely important.

Can You Share Some of Your Past Results?

Just like any other service, SEO companies should be able to provide you with case studies, reviews, and testimonials. While you won’t gain access to a list of clients, most contractors will give you a few people who you can use as references. If the person has no clients or past work to show you, that could be a negative sign. It may mean they’ve never done a job to the scale or yours or that they have little experience.

What Tools Do You Use?

Most SEO experts use a selection of different tools which help them process information quickly. These might include research tools, reporting tools, link building tools, and technical tools. Consider the reputation of the tools used, as they can either benefit or disadvantage you. This may take a bit of research on your own part, but it’s well worth it.

Ebrandz Solutions provides SEO services and would be happy to help you with your next project. If you’d like to sign up for a free website audit, all you have to do is click the link on.

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